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When is the update going to be?  where you can interact with the created character and it would be convenient to also customize the scenes so to speak....


Yeah I'm trying to push the next update the biggest hinders I'm running in to is that I don't have the time right now to work on this sadly.

Sorry then

I clicked the button that looks like an X (in the settings button) and now nothing works if I click it.

Yeah that is my bad i seem to have uploaded a version with an exit button.  So yeah when you press that the game will stop.

Sometimes it doesn't want to load

All I can do i guess that it's something with the phone and running unity. 

Sadly I don't have that many android phone to test on so it can be hard to know how well its optimized for the phone.

Sorry then

It's okay, I'm sorry I can't do more for you :)

Is there any way for you to fix Mobile support?

what is it that's not working for you?

Can someone help me understadn this game?

Right now all there is to this game is a character creater


Ohhhh! Thank you!

So just the character creator?

Hi. Yes at the moment that's all there is. 

And I feel bad saying it but I don't have to much time trying to update this project at the moment.


Take your time, a game that has passion put into it is better than a game that is rushed

So how long do we wait for an update?


At the moment I don't really know I can't seem to be happy with the sex scean I been working on and for the moment its like hitting a wall sadly.


Atleast i'll be waiting


How do you play the game? So far the only thing I've done is customize my characters TvT

yeah sorry for the late respons. as of now there is only that part sadly.

Oh ok! Ty for responding :)

yeah sorry for not having added more as of yet. :)

No no! Its ok lol. I understand that your very busy and games like these take a while. Take as much time as you need to :]

is this game dead? also web breaks if you hit the large button the most upper right


No its not its more that i don't have the time i like to put in to  this porject.

I have  been working on one sex pose but seens I put so many options for the  body in its abit more work then i thougth first

Sorry about  it seeming that i have given up on this

Ah, gotcha. It does make sense, with how customizable the character is, that making the scenes would take a lot of time. no worries


No worrys :) This is some of the progress I'm making at the moment as you can see I'm refining my art styll at the same time.

And yes it  seems i left in the  Exit buttom in the web game


man cant spell

Are you alive?


Yes xD

I'm sorry I been pretty silent.

I'm wokring hard on trying to push out a new update but I hit some pretty big roadblocks.

Do to that I'm trying to focus on smaller things and scaling down what I should focus on next.

The ide  is to make 2 sex sceans 1 constept for the combat system.

Deleted 2 years ago

Maybe I'm just missing it, is there still a handjob scene? If so how do you access it?



You'er right in that it's not there for the moment seens I'm reworking it alot.

Doing my best to finish it up to upload it back in to the game.

So right now all you can do is design your semi-ideal character (more options added in the future?) There's no actual game play? Well it looks ok for now. I look forward to exploration, combat and spells/items. 


Thats right that for the moment it's just a character creator. The ide I have is to finish the sex seen I have thats on it's way to be done. After that I will work on adding in a town to move around in and some combat. I have an ide of how I want to do it but I have to see how easy that is to make.

Ok. I just discovered it a couple of hours before I commented so I was making sure. Interesting character design options so far. Good start.


It's always fun to see that people enjoy what is there so far even if its not much. Feel free to let me know if there is any problems that occure.


If you continue with the project, I believe this game will be a success.


Thank you. I'm trying to not overwork myself to keep this project going but also make sure I can update it more frekvent.

Hello, when is the new update gonna be released?


Hi. I'm Real sorry that I haven't updated the game now for a very long time.  Got burnt out by my real job and was unhappy with the base design in the game so I have reworket that. Another problem i run in to is the sex animation I'm making. I dont seem to get it to look right. I could update the game with just the new design look and not with the sex if people wises for that.

No worries, I was just curious about a update. A new design update would be nice till you fix the sex animation. Also have you ever thought about making a Patreon?  

I have reson I'm not making one at the moment is seens it's so bar bone I don't feel good about getting money for something I'm not able to deliver to well

a patron isnt needed Virtual Lychee as before a person gets to download itch asks to pay what they think is fair

I put on an update with the new styll only

how do i use the manual sex thingy on pc qwq?

if you press the manual buttom you can then move the bar up and down..

Please fix a android download

Hi there is an andriod version to download so I don't think I understand what you mean.


im late but the person may be talking about restrictions for mobile  download and xXBustyMILF you gotta say what the problem is not you just have one and if it wont stage/download the app itself its because you need developer mode engaged and install from unknown sources

Hello, and game is interesting but Could have a map to move

32-bit version?

for windows??

im getting close to realising an update ill add 32-bit run version then

I had to be able to touch her butt, and also her breasts and move with the mouse or cell phone, to one side and the other.


I don't think I know what you are asking for.


only one complaint i have is that when you give her a dick nothing changes

Hi. I don't think I understand what you mean by that?

when i give the girl a dick the animation doesnt change at all

oh yeah. Well nothing will change its just a handjob scean thats very very basic.

in android it does not fit the screen correctly, the rest excellent start


Yeah I'm trying to find a good midel ground for how the app fits the screen. 

One big problem I have is that my own phone is large so its not idle as a refrens templat. 

What screen reselotion do you have? It could be a good ide for me to have some more refrenses.

(1 edit)

Of course 720x1440 , if you need anything else just let me know 

you've tried to add a variable black background and have the game window have a Max / min setting, I don't know if I explain it correctly


I think I get what you mean. I hope atlest xD

im not a coder but if your using java  if this code works it will auto set resolution based on screen size                            

// Java code to display the screen size

import java.awt.*;

class GFG {

public static void main(String[] args)


// getScreenSize() returns the size

// of the screen in pixels

Dimension size

= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

// width will store the width of the screen

int width = (int)size.getWidth();

// height will store the height of the screen

int height = (int)size.getHeight();

System.out.println("Current Screen resolution : "

+ "width : " + width

+ " height : " + height);




I'm using C++ for coding. I can see if writing a light code i can make it so you can set reselotion on the UI. I have been working on trying out a way to set reselotion to the game assest to try to get rid of the "black box" problem there is that the code I have so far dont do anything to the game only slowls it down for no reson so it effects preformenc in a bad way.

Not to be rude but do you have a set date for the next update


I dont seens I feel ill for abit and I been to busy with my real work. I could update the game with just the new body parts up, but I would like to add in 2 sex scenes aswell. I'm at the momten trying out a diffrent way of drawing things up that I hop will speed up things.

There is no problem in asking and I don't think its rude of you. But reality is that I don't have the spare time to push things fast.


Relax, just go at your ritme. Is a good game, an amazing if i could tell, but just go step to step. You can do it and we will wating for you.


Always nice to hear. I'm getting better so i hope that i soon can put out one new version.


Getting close to having everything done for a new update


I know i have not been activ here but I have been working hard on the game when every I have the spare time for it.

I want to share some drawings of 6 outfits and I'm going to rework the excicting once and put in these instead.


Hi everyone!

I have been thinking abit and I will try my best to give you guys 1 more angle in the character creator and then try to add in atlest 3 sex scenes into the game.

The new angel is almost done but I'm going to rework the hair stylls abit to make them look nicer. The walking animation is been put on hold abit to really push this out for everyone instead. 

I will rework the handjob to be a combo scene with both handjob and blowjob. Add one scene that has regular sex in it and one anal.


This is looking really really good. Lots of customization. Pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. I'd say your next step is making more sex scenes, not movement. I imagine that's what most of your players are looking for. 

Overall though this is a really good character creator. Lots of potential with this.

Also, does the "manual" option work yet? Or is that still being developed?



Manual option works but I would like to do an over hall on the sex scean making it have a better flow. 

I also agree on that most people are maybe more intressted in the sex sceans only. 

Right now my real work is eating up so much time but I'm really trying to get back to working on this. 

As for working on the momvement it also has to do with laying down alot of base lines so its easy for me to move forward without breaking anything else in the process.

I figured out the Manual option. That slider bar should be a different color so it doesn't blend in so much with the background. Just a UI tip. 

I understand that you've got real life to attend to, and that for sure comes first. We can wait.

If it were my project, I'd say your next steps are these:

  1. An orgasm scene, just to finish the sex scene we already have. 
  2. Another sex position. Cowgirl would be easy to implement with your current set up. Internal or external orgasms could follow.
  3. More customization options. Clothes, body shapes, accessories, hair styles.

I understand you might want to put a narrative over all of this, but I don't think the game is well suited to that. You have a great "Dress up and fuck" game going, and your followers love it. Run with that.

Actually I might be able to help if you like, programming at least. I'm familiar with C++ and that might help take a load off. You could focus entirely on art.


the narrative part that you speak of I won't let go off so to say but I will put it on hold for now. As for the moment im working on toutching up the hair stylls, I'm almost done with a side view to look at your character witch also gives me an open door for adding in more sex sceans with not to much thinking on my part. 

Cloths I'm redoing aswell abit just to make them have more customise options. UI for the sex seane i will rework it was kind of a qucik add for people to have something more. I have in mind adding in 3 sex scenes one thats builds on the jerking off and adding in a blowjob. one regalur scene and one anal. 

It's nice of you to offer the up help but for the moment I have build the code in a way so adding in new scens with sex and such is all on me drawing and animating them up.

Sincerely Naku

Just a quick question. Is a handjob the only sex scene for now?


Yes for now it is the only scene I put in seens its very simple. im working on drawing the walking pose and that for now and plan on having more sex scenes with the next update.

(1 edit)

Hi! The game looks promising and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here! 

Just a few quick questions, if that's OK . 

When this goes to open world, will there be potential male, female, and/or other sex partners?

If the character is given a penis, is this instead of a vagina or in addition? Could there be an option for either in future, as well as options regarding testicles? 

If the character is trans/futa, will there be opportunities to both top and bottom? 

Would it be possible to include a flat-chested option to make it possible to create a fem-boy type character? 

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work! 


Hi TamTam.

Yes the ide I have is to creat a male body and more options for body setup and that gose for sex to.

It just takes time to draw and I want to work out game mecanics first before doing more with the body set up.


World map for land of seith


First walking animation


I'm sorry for not been able to do any updates for some time work and family is taking up it all. i will try to get back to working on the game soon.


Dont worry men, keep calm and resolve the things that you are have to do, we are waiting (^^)


I know I havent done much latly but I been working on a new pose and some new cloth ides.

I'm going to rework this idle pose abit

(1 edit)

Please do u know how to solve this problemsit just keep happening if I ignore this and press continue

Looking at it I can only gusse it can't load in the textures. I think the game dont work on all andriods. The thing is in the unity I have I can't pick andriod version. So i have no controll over it sorry.

it's not working on my android phone it just shows this, pls help 

I don't really know what to do about that maybe try to press continue. other wise there is not much that I can do from my end seens I can't pick what andriod version my unity runs on. So sorry.

Sincerely Naku.

ok thanks

always fun to hear that people enjoy this lite project of mine now i done a samller update 3.2 I try to work on this when every i have the free time.

One word for this...Fun.

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